Pacer is a step tracker and fitness app. We help our users to be active. We also provide route tracking and sharing features. Like other mobile apps in the competitive market, we work hard to keep engaging our users and attracting new users.
The team had released some new features, but they didn’t improve the retention rate much. We started to explore how to engage our existing users – social interactions, health content, or others.
Main Design Challenges
1/ In order to support new changes in the app, we need to re-design the app structure.
2/ Some pages have high number of daily views. Making changes to these pages might be of high risk and affect existing users.
3/ We want to explore new ways to engage users in smaller circles, instead of a wider community.
Existing app structure visualization to discover opportunity space
Project One
New App Structure and Page Redesign
We explore and iterate on different designs for the Me, Events and Home page. New structure helps users better navigate to information that they are looking for (e.g. step data, social data, etc.), and also enables the team to support more future new features.
Project Two
Small Group Social Features
We want to engage users with more social features, especially within smaller circles, like friends and family. I started sketching out different types of social personas based on user data. And the new features we created are Friends Challenge and Favorites. Both are to engage users with smaller group interaction. From usage data, we found that the new features improve users’ interaction sessions.